Shalakyatantra Department

Shalakya Tantra Department

The Shalakya Tantra Dept. is well equipped and running smoothly. This department deals with the diseases like- Eye disease, Ear, Nose, Throat disorder and patients are managed by Ayurvedic Medicines & various procedures like- Tarpan, Ashchyotan, Nasya, Lepa and diagnosed by modern scientific tools/equipments.

1.      In this OPD every thpe of patient is treated which is suffering from any diseases above clinical bone related to ENT, Ophthalmology & Headaches.

2.      Daily many patients which suffering from long time are getting benefitted.

3.      Unique feature of Ophthamic OPD is that vision of many patients have been improved.

4.      Various types of eye disorders including vitro-retinal are having good prognosis.

5.      Ayurvedic kriyakalpa and Nasya facilities are available in the Depat. Of Shalakya Tantra which is Cure many  types of urdhjutrugata diseases.

6.      Modern examinations are available in the dept. of Shalakya Tantra such as:

·         Ophthalmoscope

·         Fluoroscopy

·         Autoscopy    etc.

7.      There is separate ENT and Ophthalmic dept. present in our college campus.

8.      Well qualified Netra-Kantha-Shirorog specialist available in the Department .