History of the college

History of the college dates back to year 2000 with the aim of restoring the ancient system of medicine i.e. Ayurveda in the present system of health and to make it a recognized and distinguished path in society. With this aim the college was started in a small campus in the heart of city. From the very beginning, the basic infrastructure required for the setup of Ayurveda OPD and IPD along with emphasis on the quality of teaching has been taken care of. To serve and attract the common mass by the holistic approach of Ayurveda, timely camps and public lectures have been the tradition of the college, since its inception. During its more than 10 years of journey, the major part of financial budget has been spent in relieving the sufferings of poor and needy persons at a very minimal token amount. To popularise and propagate the heritage of Ayurveda among people, all the possible means of communication including print and electronic media, along with free camps have been conducted at timely intervals.
With time passing by, not only we are reaching to our aim but with every new day ahead we are more determined, enthusiastic and energetic in our approach. It need not to be mentioned that within a span of around 10 years, the college has taken shape of 1 lac square feet construction sprawling in lush green plantation extending in an area of about 9 acres.
In this competitive world, we are busy in our efforts to adorn our present infrastructure with all the modern technological requirements so as to prove the effectiveness of Ayurveda through research oriented work. Not only we have an plenty space for teaching and hospital but we have well defined spacious herbal garden where more than 150 medicinal plants are making the nearby environment healthy and nurturing the thoughts in our mind that herbal medicines too retain their effectiveness in curing common to rarest of ailments.