Agadtandra Department

Agadtantra Department

Agadtantra, one among the eight branches of Ayurveda is a subject that has persistently maintained its necessity, relevance & application from its ancient development to this day.  Newer compounds appearing every day making Toxicology an ever changing subject.

The department deals with Toxicology, forensic medicine & medical jurisprudence Toxicology (Agadtantra) is the system of knowledge for conquering poisons, forensic medicine (Vyavahar Ayurved) means- subject which deals with application of medical knowledge to the certain branches of law & Medical jurisprudence (vidhi vaidyaka) indicates application of legal knowledge for the disciplinary practice of medicine.

Departmental information:

It has Academic section & museum which are spread over a spacious area. It has models, weapons, charts and good collection of specimens of poison, poisonous, snakes, insects. Departmental Library has good number of books.