Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana

Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana

Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana is unique branch of Ayurveda in shubhadeep ayurveda medical college Indore. This Department has PG since 2012-13.
Rasa Shastra incorporating most of the information’s related to metals, minerals, animal and plant drugs of Ayurveda with its pharmaceuticals processing,like manufacturing of Bhasma.
Bhaishajya denotes the meaning of drug material where as Kalpana means planning the way of its administration. Theherbo-mineral medicine became popular among the physicians.
The department deals with better learning of drug manufacturing and its administration by theory and practical classes.
Presently the department is engaged in under graduate and post graduate level of teaching and research.
Departmental library is enriched 265 books under graduate and post graduate section.
Department have 102 charts, 25 modals and 139 specimens made and collected by students which demonstrating principals of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana.
Departmental pharmacy have 67 machinery and analytical lab instrument and pharmacy manufactured about 114 classical and proprietary medicineslike ayurvedic churna, vati, tail, bhasma, chaywanpras etc. which used own hospital.
Specialty of department –
Computer with internet facility.
Well equipped pharmacy and quality control laboratory.
Departmental library and museum.
Well qualified teaching staff.