Rognidan & Vikrati Vigyan Department

Department of Rog Nidan Avum Vikriti Vigyan

This department started as section in 1989 in department of kayachikitsa and today created as an independent department. The Rognidan and vikriti vigyan Department of college is well distinguished / demarcated into under graduate and Post graduate section. In shubhdeep ayurved medical college PG department of Rognidan and vikriti vigyan was started since 2014 and there is continuously admission capacity of 5 students per year.

This Department is playing an important role in clinicoetiopathological studies of diseases, scientific validation of ancient diagnostic tool like RogaRogiPariksha, PanchNidan, DashvidhaPariksha, Asthsthana Pariksha¼Nadi, Mala, Mutra, Jivha, Shabda,Sparsha, Drik Akriti½ and prognostic tool ArishtaLakhshna, Tail BinduMutraPariksha etc. Diagnostic service provides by the department as central laboratory of hospital in haematological investigations, serological investigations, biochemistry investigations, microbiology and x-ray. Facilities are available for student, as Practical laboratory, Clinical trainingandDepartmental Library having more than 166 reference books of both Ayurveda and relevant books of Modern Medicine. The department has practical lab having the capacity of conduct practical for 60 students. Clinical training in OPD and Bed side training on patients in IPD is imparted to both under graduate and Post graduate scholars in Shubhdeep Ayurved Medical College and Hospital (P.G. Institute).